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Upload images via APIs.


images-upload-cli [OPTIONS] IMAGES...


Name Type Description Default
-h, --hosting choice (anhmoe | beeimg | catbox | fastpic | filecoffee | freeimage | gyazo | imageban | imagebin | imgbb | imgchest | imgur | lensdump | pixeldrain | pixhost | ptpimg | smms | sxcu | telegraph | thumbsnap | tixte | up2sha | uplio | uploadcare | vgy) N/A imgur
-f, --format choice (plain | bbcode | html | markdown) The format of the links to be generated. plain
-t, --thumbnail boolean Create captioned thumbnails. By default, in bbcode format. False
-n, --notify boolean Send desktop notification on completion. Required libnotify. False
--clipboard / --no-clipboard boolean Copy the result to the clipboard. True
--env-file file The path to the environment file. Takes precedence over the default config file. None
--log-level choice (DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL) Use DEBUG to show debug logs. Use CRITICAL to suppress all logs. INFO
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False